showing 4 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Battlestations: Midway Eidos Interactive (Eidos Studios Hungary)2007BattleStations: Midway is an immense action game that drops players into massive air, sea, and undersea battles from Pearl Harbor to Midway. Players command massive fleet attacks and take direct, real-time, control of every plane, battleship, and submarine in the battle.

Battlestations: Midway blends intense 3rd-person action with epic, large-scale naval combat and brings to life the great Pacific battles of World War II. From the chaos of Pearl Harbor, through the Philippines, Java and the Coral Sea all the way to the epic Battle of Midway.

Innovative gameplay lets players take direct control of over 60 different warships, planes and submarines from a 3rd-person perspective. Players can instantly jump to and control every vehicle in the battle.

The Single Player mode features 11 large-scale campaigns with 12 bonus challenge missions. The online multi-player combat offers an entirely new online battle experience and features head-to-head and co-operative fleet battles featuring over 60 Allied and Japanese units.
[Eidos Press Release]
Battlestations: Pacific Eidos Interactive (Eidos Studios Hungary)2009 labelimageminimize
Singularity Activision (Raven Software)2010 labelimageminimize
Dead Island Techland;Deep Silver (Techland)2011 labelminimizeminimize